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India’s Food System Transformation



The hidden costs of India’s food system are estimated at 1.5 trillion driven by poor nutritional outcomes and unsustainable production practices. The Food System Economics Commission (FSEC) transformation scenario for India up to 2050 suggests that such costs could be cut by a quarter, equivalent to about 300 billion USD annually. FSEC’s global policy priorities offer the starting point for a country-level dialogue on food system transformation priorities.

Farmer in a farming field in Palacode, Tamil Nadu, India. Photo: Deepak kumar / Unsplash.

The Hidden Costs of Food

accumulated since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2016

The counter shows the accumulated hidden costs of our current food systems since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2016, taking into account greenhouse gas emissions, blue water use, land use conversion, nitrogen emissions, undernourishment, poverty, and unhealthy diets.

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