Format: Hybrid event
Date: Monday, 4 December 2023
Time: 18:30-19:30 GST | 15:30-16:30 CET
Location: YouTube & Food and Agriculture Pavilion TA2-120, Building 89, B7, Thematic Arena 2, Blue Zone, Expo City Dubai
A brand-new report on True Cost Accounting (TCA) by FAO concludes that the hidden costs of the global food system exceed USD 10 trillion annually. This figure is supported by the upcoming report from the Food System Economics Commission and exceeds current estimates of the food system’s contribution to the global economy. Other reports in the last year have compared the true costs and benefits of local or national food systems, such as the groundbreaking study of farming systems in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Join us to learn from experts who will discuss key findings about the role of TCA in driving food system transformation at both global and local levels, and how these studies deliver a clear roadmap for government and business leaders to identify and scale solutions to address humanity’s most pressing challenges.
️Sara Farley, Vice President, Food Initiative, The Rockefeller Foundation
Annelies Withofs, Programme Manager, IKEA Foundation
David Laborde, Director of the Agri-food Economics Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Ottmar Edenhofer, Co-chair, Food System Economics Commission (FSEC); and Director & Chief Economist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Jacqueline McGlade, Chief Scientist & Co-founder of DownForce Technologies; and Professor at Strathmore University Business School
Pavan Sukhdev, Chief Executive Officer, GIST Impact
Vera Songwe, Co-chair, Food System Economics Commission (FSEC); and Nonresident senior fellow, Africa Growth Initiative, Brookings Institution
Food System Economics Commission (FSEC)
True Cost Accounting Accelerator
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)